2007年2月21日 星期三
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20070212高師大附中之專案說明會紀錄 |
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2007 International Lustrum Symposium |
1stand 2ndNovember 2007
International Lustrum Symposium
Focus on Africa
The importance of sustainability is recognized on a global level. However, developed and developing nations must confront different issues on the road to sustainable development. Many would argue that the Western world consumes much more than its fair share. On the other hand, developing nations still face enormous challenges related to poverty, disease, governance, environmental conditions, social unrest, rapidly increasing populations, inequity, and gender inequality. Africa is a special case, because in contrast with countries in Asia, standards of living in Africa have risen only relatively slowly during the last five decades.
What are the reasons that problems remain unsolved? What contribution can scientists and engineers make to global issues? To help answer questions like these, Delft University of Technology is organising a quinquennial year symposium, “SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS, Focus on Africa”, on the 1st and 2nd of November 2007.
Technology has a major role to play in addressing global issues. The aim of this symposium is to clarify the contribution to be made by scientists and engineers in bringing about sustainable development in general and in meeting Africa’s needs in particular. Before and during the Symposium, we will investigate the possibility of establishing a “Delft Centre for Sustainable Solutions”. The Centre would organise projects to be carried out by existing research groups with selected faculty and staff. Relating technical solutions to the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable development could take the form of research, educational, or advisory projects.
Developing innovative sustainable solutions is a joint effort.
We invite you to join us in this process.
We invite you to submit an abstract on technological solutions related to the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable development. Those could be research, educational, or advisory projects focusing on one or more of the themes below.We especially welcome sustainable solutions for Africa’s needs and solutions from other parts of the world that might be relevant for Africa.
We invite interdisciplinary, cross-cutting and integrated approaches
to the mentioned themes.
Water quality: Pollution prevention, Purification, Distribution, (De)Centralized sanitation systems, Water quantity: (Local) drinking water supplies, Flood control, Water management
Renewable versus non-renewable energy, Central versus decentralized power production, Energy efficiency, Energy storage
Quantity and quality, Hygiene, Storage, Distribution, Traditional versus modern agriculture, Transgenic crops
Health care
Disease prevention, Medical technology, Local versus urban health care, Hospitals and other infrastructure, Availability and equity
Urban Areas
Housing, Urbanisation, Spatial planning and design, Environmental design, Indoor environment, Demographic development, Community building
Mining, Production technologies, Local versus imported resources, Role of renewable resources and materials, Waste management, Re-use, Recycling
Modes of transport and systems, Motorized versus non-motorized vehicles, Infrastructure, Regional development
Internet, Telecom, IT systems, Wireless networks, Mobile communication, Satellites, Global Positioning Systems, Open source software, Online collaboration
Socially responsible entrepreneurship, Safety and labour conditions, Private versus public, National versus local, Globalization versus cultural diversity, Nature conservation and eco tourism
Knowledge transfer, Teaching and training, Technology transfer and co-development, Use of ICT, E-learning, Human resources and prevention of brain-drain, Mutual understanding
Tools for communication, design and evaluation, Industrial Design and services, Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Analysis, Green Chemistry, Green Engineering.
Authors are requested to electronically submit an abstract not later than 15 April 2007.For further information in preparing your abstract please see Web page:http://www.Lustrum.TUDelft.nl/Symposium. For further questions please contact the organising committee: E-mail: LustrumSymposium@TUDelft.nl
Instructions to prepare an abstract
2007年2月20日 星期二
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Recommended Websites (推薦網站) |
- 台灣世界展望會 World Vision Taiwan
- 中國人權協會 Chinese Association for Human Rights
- 中華民國紅十字會 The Red Cross Society of the Republic of China
- 中華基督教救助協會 Chinese Christian Relief Association
- 佛教慈濟基金會 Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation Taiwan
- 連加恩醫師的Africare Dr. 連's Blog for AfriCare
- 國際合作發展基金會 International Cooperation and Development Fund
- 台灣非洲研究論壇 Forum on African Studies in Taiwan
- 非洲駐華經貿辦事處 Africa Taiwan Economic Forum
- 全球之聲 Global Voices Blog
- 探索非洲(電子報) Electronic Paper in Taiwan for Discovering Africa
- 中華民國(台灣)外交部 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China
- 中華民國(台灣)僑務委員會—南非 Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission- South Africa
- 宋睿祥醫師個人部落格 Dr. Raymand's Blog
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Project 1: Compassion to Africa Series |
- Organizers: DDM Cultural and Educational Foundation、The Affiliated Senior High School of National Kaohsiung Normal University (ASHS) Student Council、SL-TW Hope Team
- Participants: students and teachers in ASHS
- Place: The Affiliated Senior High School of National Kaohsiung Normal University (ASHS) Click to Link
- Goals:
- To learn and develop via volunteered participation
- Increase understanding of Africa
- Increase international dialogue
- Help students develop compassion and form international views
- Project Activities
- Incorporate African geography into high school curriculum
- English project:Outlook in Africa
- Composition Contest for Recommended Books
- Film exhibition and Speech
- Charity Auction: all proceeds going to Sierra Leone
- Project Duration: From February to June, 2007
- Time Table

- Benefits
- To get improved by international dialogue and cooperation for each other.
- To educate youth in TW for compassion and volunteer: There are about 1500 people joining the project and learn from the process understanding more about Africa and knowing more about what they can do for themselves and the world.
- To Help SL reconstruct: The collection of clothes and English books for charity will be shipped to Sierra Leone and YEDEM,the NGO, our partner in SL will allot to the people who need them for living a better life.
- Sustained Action
- Help volunteered students establish the Student Association of Compassion to Africa and hold related activities every year.
- Recommend the successful cooperation case to other schools and seek for execution.
- Hold conferences or forums for teachers in TW to introduce the experience.
- Propose the educational project to Ministry of Education in TW and seek for being the official educational contents.
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2006 Dharma Drum Mountain Hope Project |
- Project Goals: To create a bond between the people of Taiwan and Sierra Leone through participating in the YEDEM and Earth Charter and via acts of compassion and hope. To share a relationship of cooperation and increase Taiwanese recognition and participation in international affairs via sowing seeds of love and hope.
- Initiative: On 28th July 2007 at the Compassionate World Youth Conference organized by Dharma Drum Mountain we were introduced to Sylvanus and Solomon as well as Bianca from the Desmond Tutu Peace Centre. Through sharing their experiences regarding the difficulty of post war re-construction we were deeply moved and after conference we began discussing the idea of creating a relationship of co-operation between Taiwan and Sierra Leone via various activities such as the internet and charity auctions.
- Project duration: From January 2007 to February 2008
2007年2月18日 星期日
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願景實踐方案—3C (Culture-Connection-Compassion)網絡 |
六、 活動內容
(一) 獅子山與台灣之網站建置與社群經營:「Rising Compassion—Hope Network between Sierra Leone and Taiwan」
- 關於法鼓山願景青年計畫
- 台灣與獅子山之合作網絡—YEDEM
- Rising Compassion—Hope Network between Sierra Leone and Taiwan計畫緣起
- 台灣與獅子山願景青年團隊介紹
- 非洲關懷年系列活動
- 愛與希望系列活動紀錄
- 活動剪影
- 非洲關懷討論區
- 相關連結等
(二) 串連希望與愛義賣捐助活動
1. 獅子山兒童創意作品商品化
2. 校園愛心商品型錄訂購活動
3. 獅子山孩童故事集
4. 物資募集活動等
(一) 建構Hope Network網站平台
以非洲為關懷對象,藉由希望與愛的網絡平台之建立,讓更多 關心此議題之個人或團體共同串聯,並跨越國界隔閡使各地資源集中,將愛與希望分享到世界各個需要的角落。
(二) 3C( Culture-Connection-Compassion)網絡計畫
(三) Sustainable Development Network
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願景實踐方案—非洲關懷年系列 |
(二) 增進對於非洲的了解與認識;
(三) 促進國際交流;
(四) 培養學生的關懷愛心與世界觀。
(二) 專題製作:高中英文專題—認識非洲國家;
(三) 舉辦書籍閱讀心得與徵文比賽:國文科附中青年專刊發表;
(四) 舉辦電影欣賞、攝影展與講座;
(五) 舉辦義賣及物資募集園遊會,將所得送往獅子山。
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計畫動機 |
2006年7月28日,在法鼓山主辦之Compassionate World Youth Conference,與獅子山共和國的朋友Sylvanus與Solomon以及南非Desmond Tutu Peace Center的Bianca有了連結,在關於戰後和平重建與避免戰爭的討論會中,深受其艱辛故事與重建歷程感動,在經過本計畫團隊與獅子山伙伴進一步的討論後,萌生台灣與獅子山合作之構想,藉由各類型愛心捐助義賣、網路平台與關懷主題活動串起愛與希望的網絡,促進雙方之相互瞭解與建立交誼橋樑。
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計畫目的 |
近年來,隨著社會經濟結構之轉型,對於文化與國際議題之參與,在政治瓶頸下,台灣身為地球村的一份子,讓臺灣的愛心遠播更是身為地球村公民的職責與義務,因此,為響應聯合國千禧年宣言(Millennium Declaration),協助西非久經戰禍正尋求重建的獅子山共和國(Sierra Leone),期望藉由舉辦希望與愛的網絡系列活動,發揮「天涯若比鄰」及「施比受有福」的精神,與獅子山當地非營利組織YEDEM與Earth Charter相互結盟,建立雙方的分享合作關係,增進臺灣對國際社會的體認與關懷,並散播愛與希望的種仔。
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計畫緣起 |
2006年7月28日,在法鼓山主辦之Compassionate World Youth Conference,我認識了來自遙遠西非國度獅子山共和國的朋友Sylvanus與Solomon,以及來自南非的Desmond Tutu Peace Center的Bianca,在一次關於戰後和平重建與避免戰爭的討論會中,我深受他們所分享的故事與重建歷程所感動。即使曾經在家裡看過CNN與慈濟大愛頻道或是國家地理頻道與Discovery播出過無數關於戰爭和災後重建的影片,與真正生活在當中的人們接觸分享,這樣的真實與震撼卻是前所未有的。當下的我,心中掠過的盡是諸多台灣能夠給予協助的方案計畫。