2007年2月20日 星期二

Project 1: Compassion to Africa Series

  • Organizers: DDM Cultural and Educational Foundation、The Affiliated Senior High School of National Kaohsiung Normal University (ASHS) Student Council、SL-TW Hope Team
  • Participants: students and teachers in ASHS
  • Place: The Affiliated Senior High School of National Kaohsiung Normal University (ASHS) Click to Link
  • Goals:
  1. To learn and develop via volunteered participation

  2. Increase understanding of Africa

  3. Increase international dialogue

  4. Help students develop compassion and form international views
  • Project Activities
  1. Incorporate African geography into high school curriculum

  2. English project:Outlook in Africa

  3. Composition Contest for Recommended Books

  4. Film exhibition and Speech

  5. Charity Auction: all proceeds going to Sierra Leone

  • Project Duration: From February to June, 2007

  • Time Table

  • Benefits
  1. To get improved by international dialogue and cooperation for each other.

  2. To educate youth in TW for compassion and volunteer: There are about 1500 people joining the project and learn from the process understanding more about Africa and knowing more about what they can do for themselves and the world.

  3. To Help SL reconstruct: The collection of clothes and English books for charity will be shipped to Sierra Leone and YEDEM,the NGO, our partner in SL will allot to the people who need them for living a better life.
  • Sustained Action
  1. Help volunteered students establish the Student Association of Compassion to Africa and hold related activities every year.

  2. Recommend the successful cooperation case to other schools and seek for execution.

  3. Hold conferences or forums for teachers in TW to introduce the experience.

  4. Propose the educational project to Ministry of Education in TW and seek for being the official educational contents.