2007年2月21日 星期三

2007 International Lustrum Symposium

DelftUniversity of Technology, The Netherlands
1stand 2ndNovember 2007

International Lustrum Symposium

Focus on Africa

The importance of sustainability is recognized on a global level. However, developed and developing nations must confront different issues on the road to sustainable development. Many would argue that the Western world consumes much more than its fair share. On the other hand, developing nations still face enormous challenges related to poverty, disease, governance, environmental conditions, social unrest, rapidly increasing populations, inequity, and gender inequality. Africa is a special case, because in contrast with countries in Asia, standards of living in Africa have risen only relatively slowly during the last five decades.

What are the reasons that problems remain unsolved? What contribution can scientists and engineers make to global issues? To help answer questions like these, Delft University of Technology is organising a quinquennial year symposium, “SUSTAINABLE SOLUTIONS, Focus on Africa”, on the 1st and 2nd of November 2007.

Technology has a major role to play in addressing global issues. The aim of this symposium is to clarify the contribution to be made by scientists and engineers in bringing about sustainable development in general and in meeting Africa’s needs in particular. Before and during the Symposium, we will investigate the possibility of establishing a “Delft Centre for Sustainable Solutions”. The Centre would organise projects to be carried out by existing research groups with selected faculty and staff. Relating technical solutions to the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable development could take the form of research, educational, or advisory projects.

Developing innovative sustainable solutions is a joint effort.
We invite you to join us in this process.

We invite you to submit an abstract on technological solutions related to the social, ecological, and economic aspects of sustainable development. Those could be research, educational, or advisory projects focusing on one or more of the themes below.We especially welcome sustainable solutions for Africa’s needs and solutions from other parts of the world that might be relevant for Africa.

We invite interdisciplinary, cross-cutting and integrated approaches
to the mentioned themes.

Water quality: Pollution prevention, Purification, Distribution, (De)Centralized sanitation systems, Water quantity: (Local) drinking water supplies, Flood control, Water management

Renewable versus non-renewable energy, Central versus decentralized power production, Energy efficiency, Energy storage

Quantity and quality, Hygiene, Storage, Distribution, Traditional versus modern agriculture, Transgenic crops

Health care
Disease prevention, Medical technology, Local versus urban health care, Hospitals and other infrastructure, Availability and equity

Urban Areas
Housing, Urbanisation, Spatial planning and design, Environmental design, Indoor environment, Demographic development, Community building

Mining, Production technologies, Local versus imported resources, Role of renewable resources and materials, Waste management, Re-use, Recycling

Modes of transport and systems, Motorized versus non-motorized vehicles, Infrastructure, Regional development

Internet, Telecom, IT systems, Wireless networks, Mobile communication, Satellites, Global Positioning Systems, Open source software, Online collaboration

Socially responsible entrepreneurship, Safety and labour conditions, Private versus public, National versus local, Globalization versus cultural diversity, Nature conservation and eco tourism

Knowledge transfer, Teaching and training, Technology transfer and co-development, Use of ICT, E-learning, Human resources and prevention of brain-drain, Mutual understanding

Tools for communication, design and evaluation, Industrial Design and services, Industrial Ecology, Life Cycle Analysis, Green Chemistry, Green Engineering.

Authors are requested to electronically submit an abstract not later than 15 April 2007.For further information in preparing your abstract please see Web page:http://www.Lustrum.TUDelft.nl/Symposium. For further questions please contact the organising committee: E-mail: LustrumSymposium@TUDelft.nl
Instructions to prepare an abstract